(289) 837-4747 info@oaklakemedspa.com
The Stress That Shows on Your Face

The Stress That Shows on Your Face

The Stress that Shows on Your Face When you hear someone say, “my kids are causing me wrinkles,” they may just be onto something. There are multiple reports that link stress to the appearance of wrinkles. While there are multiple factors behind why our bodies produce...
First Impressions Matter… What’s Yours?

First Impressions Matter… What’s Yours?

A recent study released by American-based Dollar Shave Club indicated that first impressions are made within only 27-seconds of meeting someone. Clearly in that short of a time frame, personality can only play a small part of the equation. Whether they admit it or...
Why Men Are Turning to Botox in Record Numbers

Why Men Are Turning to Botox in Record Numbers

Why Men Are Turning to Botox in Record Numbers According to industry research by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Botox® for men has quadrupled in the past year alone and they estimate that nearly 10% of all Botox treatments are being sought after by men....