Acne and other scars a common skin concern among millions of people. Traditionally scars are difficult to treat and require a combination of different types of treatments for gradual improvement. We usually combine minimally invasive cosmetic skin treatments with non-invasive cosmetic skin treatments to maximize the results of scar treatments with less downtime, less discomfort and to make the treatments cost-effective. In this article by Oak Lake Med Spa, we will be covering how PRP treatment can be used for acne scar removal in Burlington and Oakville. Read on for more information.
How PRP for acne scarring works
After drawing the patients’ blood it is then spun in a special centrifuge specifically designed to separate the platelets. Once the platelets are separated, they are then prepared and injected into the desired area. Compared to other facial procedures PRP injections are much less invasive, which helps to decrease wrinkles throughout the face as well as improve overall skin health. PRP is becoming a very popular means of treatment for acne scar removal in Burlington and Oakville.
Is PRP beneficial for acne scarring and inflammation?
Due to increase of collagen and elastin in the skin the scars are lifted from underneath creating a smoother appearance which decreases the pitting left from the scars. This process is entirely natural and uses no synthetic fillers or toxins, that means the patient has no chance of having an allergic reaction to the injections or fillers. The only side effects that can occur are very mild such as local bruising and soreness at the injection sites, minor swelling and possible skin irritation.
Reproducing collagen is the key
Your body will begin to produce more collagen in the treatment area. Collagen is more than just that stuff they inject into celebrities’ lips to make them plump, it’s actually your body’s natural support that keeps the skin firm and smooth. Applied to the dimples of acne scars, it can begin to fill in the depressions and give the skin a smoother appearance. What’s more, when you pair PRP treatment with other treatments such as laser skin resurfacing, you combine the results of both to get skin that looks as good as new, the PRP returns shape to the face, and the laser treatment clears away the fibrous scar tissue.
At Oak Lake Med Spa, your PRP treatment is administered by doctors who have many years experience. We are experts on facial rejuvenation procedures, and PRP is heavily recommended for acne scar removal in Burlington and Oakville. For more information about PRP, or about any of our other services, please continue browsing through our website. We can be reached at 289-837-4747 or by sending us a message through our contact form.